Author Archives: admin

You Don’t Need Clean Hair to be a Hot Mama

When I was about 7 months pregnant, I met a young mother at a wedding and she told me all about how she never had time to take a shower. Nodding my head, I tried to understand and convey sympathy, … Continue reading

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Book Review: Mo Willems’ Knuffle Bunny

If you’re looking for a new book to give your toddler this Christmas or need a present for yet another child’s birthday party, why not give Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale a shot? Written and Illustrated by Mo Willems, the book … Continue reading

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Tried Everything Else? Why not Hypnotism?

The obsessive Googling started the second I became pregnant. Every day I’d check in at Baby Center to see what my fetus looked like and what new body parts may have grown that week. As my pregnancy progressed, so did … Continue reading

Posted in Tricks of the Trade | 2 Comments

Chardonnay Makes Traveling with Toddler Fun!

About 10 years ago, I had the pleasure of spending Thanksgiving completely by myself in New York’s East Village. I must have known on some level that it would never happen again and I indulged in takeout for every meal … Continue reading

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Throwing a Two-Year Old’s Birthday Party Without Losing It?

Um no, I definitely did lose it, but that was only during the Hell of using Fondant icing for the first time. Throwing a party for your 2-year old in Manhattan presents a whole host of interesting situations. For one, … Continue reading

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Butts on Fire: Curing Diaper Rash

About 12 weeks in to being a mother, I had the realization that my new station in life and prime reason for existence was to now take care of somebody else’s asshole. Oh, I know that sounds vulgar, but think … Continue reading

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Melasma: Is it Worth a Chemical Peel?

Right now, I would say, “Hell No!” Melasma is a soul-crushing side effect of pregnancy hormones or birth control pills that affects women with certain types of skin. And if you’re an olive-skinned part-time ex smoker like me, the combo … Continue reading

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Baby Soup: A Meal Your Toddler Will Eat

You know that feeling of intense disappointment and rage that comes when your child won’t eat a damn thing you make for them? And what about meat? Why, whyyyy! won’t they eat meat? If your kid is like mine, not overly … Continue reading

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Teaching Your Little Candy Freak the True Meaning of Halloween

This was our first year trick or treating in Manhattan where children knock on store fronts instead of houses. It’s great, your local dry-cleaning ladies, Dunkin’ Donuts workers, and hardware store owners dole out sweets and you don’t have to … Continue reading

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