Book Review: Is Your Mama a Llama?

I love this book because it’s one of the few that I actually picked out myself for my daughter. We get soooo many gifts from so many generous people that I find myself rarely needing to buy books, so this one is a little special. It’s also special because the first line of the book goes, “Is your mama a llama? I asked my friend Dave?” I chuckle every time I read this line, STILL, and I’ve read this book to my daughter about 4,378 times.

Written by Deborah Guarino and Illustrated by Steven Kellogg, Is Your Mama a Llama uses rhymes, riddles and watercolor to help baby Lloyd the llama finally find his mama.

After a few readings you’ll be surprised how quickly your child will pick up on the rhymes and start finishing the riddles for you as you read. Or, my kid is just way more advanced than yours. I love this book, because it reminds me of what I would write if I ever write a children’s book.

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